Thursday, December 27, 2018

An Unusual Case of Pre-Auricular Myiasis-SCSOAJ: lupine publishers

An Unusual Case of Pre-Auricular Myiasis-SCSOAJ by Abhinaya shivakumar in surgery and case studies open access journals in lupine publishers.

68 year old lady, presented to the ER with complaints of fatiguability, prostration for a period of 1 month and a wound over the left side of the face for 1 year, wound appeared spontaneously, it progressed to an ulcer and was increasing to the current size. There was no h/o trauma, fever. No significant family, past history or travel history. On examination, patient was conscious oriented,vitals were stable. Local examination revealed on the right temporal and cheek region, an ulcer of 7x3cm over the preauricular region, solitary, margin was spreading which was inflamed and edematous with beaded edges, sero-sanguinous discharge, with active maggotfly infestation surrounding area is inflamed. On palpation, the ulcer was nontender, indurated edges, ulcer was resting on the zygomatico-temporal bone and depth been around 1cm, maggots larvae was present, ulcer was bleeding on touch 

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