Monday, December 24, 2018

Intestinal Obstruction by Blind Vove Iess Riobamba Hospital 2014:SCSOAJ-lupine publishers

Intestinal Obstruction by Blind Vove Iess Riobamba Hospital 2014 by Diego Fabricio Erazo Mogrovejo in surgery and case studies open access journals in lupine publishers

Intestinal volvulus is produced by the twisting of a mobile segment of the colon around its mesenteric axis. The location, in order of frequency, is: 80% in sigma, 15% in blind and 5% in transverse colon [1]. The volvulus of the right colon is rarer. They do not present a defined geographical distribution, as in the sigmoid volvulus, which would indicate that the external factors that produce intestinal diseases do not have a higher incidence [2- 3]. The colon, from the embryological, anatomical, functional and surgical point of view, is divided into a right sector (right colon) and another left (left colon) whose limit is a line that passes over the transverse colon to the left of the artery medium colic [4-5]. The volvules located in the right sector are mainly due to a congenital malformation. Those located in the left colon, always correspond to the sigmoid and recognize as an etiological cause an abnormally mobile loop added to diseases that dilate and lengthen the sigma (dolicomegasigma) 

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