Monday, December 17, 2018

Use of Skin Grafts for the Correction of a Circumcision Complication : (SCSOAJ) - lupine publishers

Use of Skin Grafts for the Correction of aCircumcision Complication by Luiz G Freitas Filho in surgery and case studies open access journal in lupine publishers

Circumcision is largely performed and is considered to be technically simple and safe but it may occasionally lead to important complications. To report the case of a patient who underwent a circumcision and presented a complication that obliged the use of skin grafts to recover the penis. A 12-year old boy with neurogenic bladder underwent a circumcision using Plastibell device and presented a fasciitis of the lower abdomen and perineum with necrosis of the skin of the penis. He was submitted to a new surgical intervention where skin grafts from the abdomen were used to cover the body of the penis The cosmetic aspect of the penis was considered adequate at six months after the surgical procedure.The use of skin graft could be a good and reliable alternative for different conditions resulting in buried penis.

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